CanCare Charleston's second volunteer training class

Our Volunteers have lived through Cancer

This is a photo of our second CanCare class (#87).

In this class we had 13 volunteers who survived the following cancers:

  • stage 2 bladder
  • stage 1 ER+ breast
  • stage 2 ER+, PR+, and Her2+ breast
  • stage 2 triple negative breast
  • stage 2 lobular breast
  • Paget’s disease
  • stage 2 and stage 3 colon
  • stage 2 kidney
  • stage 1 lung
  • stage 1 melanoma
  • stage 3 multiple myeloma
  • stage 2 and stage 4 prostate
  • stage 2 renal.

And in this class we had caregivers to loved ones who had had the following cancers:

  • breast
  • melanoma an
  • prostate.
Cancare Charleston's first volunteer training class
Our Volunteers have Been on the same Cancer Journey as you and your loved one

Do you know the types of cancers our volunteers have experienced?

At our first training class, we had 12 volunteers attend who had survived the following cancers:

  • stage 3 ER+ breast stage
  • 2 HER2+ breast
  • stage 3 colon
  • stage 3 esophageal
  • acute myeloid leukemia
  • stage 3 lymphoma,
  • stage 3 stomach
  • stage 3 tongue.

We had caregivers whose loved ones had had the following cancers:

  • stage 2 breast
  • stage 4 colon
  • stage 4 lung, an
  • stage 4 pancreatic.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please go to this page to get more information.

November 2019 CanCare Charleston volunteers

Newest CanCare Volunteers Complete Training

On Saturday, November 15 and Sunday, November 16, the third local class of CanCare volunteers completed their training which was held at St. Andrews Anglican Church in Mount Pleasant. This was the first time that the training was done entirely by local trainers: Ken Alexander, Louise Harvell, Lynn Joye, and Mary Wilbur. In addition, Dr. Elizabeth Christian, a retired oncologist, gave a talk to the volunteers. The training was also attended by Teresa Doyle from the Houston CanCare organization who observed and provided feedback to the trainers. Women from St. Matthews Lutheran Church provided lunch for the group on Saturday.

All CanCare training classes, no matter where in the country they take place, are numbered so our graduates can proudly refer to the class they attended.  CanCare began in Houston, TX and  now has affiliates in Colorado Springs, CO, Atlanta, GA and Charleston, SC. 

Class #96 was trained in Mt. Pleasant, SC and had survivors of the following cancer types:

  • stage 2 ER+ and PR+ breast
  • stage 1 lobular breast
  • Paget’s disease
  • basal cell skin
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • multiple myeloma.

This class had caregivers to loved ones who had had the following cancers:

  • breast
  • acute leukemia
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

We extend congratulations and a warm welcome to the newest certified CanCare volunteers!